Dec 31, 2008
Dec 12, 2008
Nov 23, 2008
your father still have?
Ted : $10.
Teacher : You don't know maths.
Ted : You don't know my father!
Mother : David, come here.
David : Yes, mum?
Mother : You really disappoint me. Your results are getting worse.
David : But I will only get my report book next year.
Mother : I know that. But I am going to Hong Kong tomorrow, so I am scolding you now.
Father : Why did you fail your mathematics test?
Son : On Monday, teacher said 3+5=8
Father : So?
Son : On Tuesday, she said 4+4=8 And on Wednesday, she said 6+2=8. If she can't make up her mind, how do I know the right answer?
A mother and son were doing dishes while the father and daughter were watching TV in the living room. Suddenly, there was a loud crash of breaking plates, then complete silence. The daughter turned to look at her father.
Daughter : It's mummy!
Father : How do you know?
Daughter : She didn't say anything.
Girl: Do you love me?
Boy: Yes Dear
Girl: Would you die for me?
Boy: No, mine is undying love
Man: How old is your father?
Boy: As old as me
Man: How can that be?
Boy: He became a father only when I was born
Teacher : Simon, your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's.
Did u copy his?
Simon : No, teacher, it's the same dog!
Father : Your teacher says she finds it impossible to teach you anything!
Son : That's why I say she's no good!
Teacher: 'Where were u born?'
Student: ' Singapore , Sir.'
Teacher: 'Which part?'
Student: 'All of me, Sir.'
A teacher was asking her class: 'What is the difference between 'unlawful' and 'illegal'?' Only one hand shot up. 'Ok, answer, Joan' said the teacher. ''unlawful' is when u do something the law doesn't allow and 'illegal' is a sick eagle.'
Teacher: 'How come you do not comb your hair?'
Ah Kow: 'No comb, Sir.'
Teacher: 'Use your dad's then.'
Ah Kow: 'No hair, Sir.'
A boy came home from school with his exam results.
'What did u get?' asked his father.
'My marks are under water,' said the boy.
'What do u mean 'under water'?'
'They are all below 'C' (sea) level'
Nov 15, 2008
Nov 12, 2008
Year End 2008 Promotion-Which is your choice?

Jenama Vantage - penuhkan mana-mana ruang yg masih kosong (kalau ada) dalam rumah !!!!!

ATAU terbang ke destinasi idaman dgn pakej istimewa Airasia !!!!!!
BERMINAT email atau SMS saya... pasti boleh .. lupakan hal sekolah...ringankan minda.. 2009 is still way far away !!!
lawak selamber hari ini
Pada suatu hari, seorang mat rempit yang aktif dalam perlumbaan haram telah mendapat habuannya. Kemalangan itu begitu ngeri hingga sebatang besi telah tercucuk di kepalanya. Menurut doktor, jika besi itu tidak mengenai otak, pelajar itu mempunyai harapan untuk diselamatkan. Mendengar penjelasan doktor itu, bapa berkenaan berkata: "Dia akan selamat
kerana besi itu pasti tidak dapat mengenai otaknya. "
Doktor yang kagum dengan keyakinan si bapa ini terus bertanya: "Bagaimana pak cik boleh begitu yakin, hingga perkataan isya'Allah pun pak cik tak sebut?".
Sampuk si bapa: "Masakan besi itu boleh mengenai otaknya kerana dia memang TAK ADA OTAK, kalau dia ada otak, tentu dia tak buat kerja gila lagi merbahaya ini, buat abis duit aku jer anto belajor!". heheheeeee..
Ambrose Teacher dalam kenangan !
Nov 10, 2008
first day spm 2008
Nov 9, 2008
quantum-of-solace-latest james bond movie

Forensic intelligence links an MI6 traitor to a bank account in Haiti where a case of mistaken identity introduces Bond to the beautiful but feisty Camille, a woman who has her own vendetta. Camille leads Bond straight to Dominic Greene, a ruthless businessman and major force within the mysterious criminal organisation known only as 'Quantum'.
On a mission that leads him to Austria, Italy and South America, Bond discovers that Greene, conspiring to take total control of one of the world's most important natural resources, is forging a deal with the exiled General Medrano. Using his associates in the organisation, and manipulating his powerful contacts within the CIA and the British government, Greene promises to overthrow the existing regime in Bolivia, giving General Medrano control of the country in exchange for a seemingly barren piece of land which is, however, a main source of the South American water supply. In a minefield of treachery, murder and deceit, Bond allies with old friends in a battle to uncover the truth. As he gets closer to finding the man responsible for the betrayal of Vesper, 007 must keep one step ahead of the CIA, the terrorists, and even 'M' herself, to unravel Greene's sinister plan and stop Quantum from getting its way.

Nov 8, 2008
Nov 6, 2008

The High Court today ordered that Raja Petra Kamarudin, editor of the popular news portal Malaysia Today, be released from detention after ruling that his arrest for allegedly causing racial tensions was unlawful.
High Court Justice Syed Ahmad Helmy Syed Ahmad ruled that the Home Minister acted outside his powers in having Raja Petra arrested on Sept 12, said the blogger"s lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sarwar.
He quoted the judge as saying the grounds given for Raja Petra's detention were insufficient and that his arrest under the Internal Security Act was unlawful.
The ISA allows the government to detain anyone for an initial two-year period without charges, and to extend the detention indefinitely.
Raja Petra, who was accused of threatening public security and causing racial tension by publishing writings that ridiculed Islam, will be taken to court later today to be formally set free.
Malik said the order was a "historic ruling-.
It's not the first time that a court has ordered the release of ISA detainees, and the ruling also does not prevent the government from re-arresting him under the ISA. The government can also appeal the ruling.
Raja Petra, 58, has increasingly infuriated authorities by publishing numerous claims about alleged wrongdoing by government leaders on his highly popular site, Malaysia Today. The government has denounced most of Raja Petra's allegations as lies.
He is also on trial in a separate case, having been accused of sedition by implying that Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was involved in the murder of a Mongolian woman. Raja Petra denies the allegation. If convicted, he faces up to three years in jail.
The detention came at a time when the government's popularity hit at an all-time low and is riven with factional fighting and faces the threat of being ousted by the opposition.
The ISA is a holdover from British colonial days, when it was used against communist insurgents. Independent Malaysia's post-colonial government has kept it in the statute books and has used it sparingly against political dissidents, ignoring calls from opposition groups and others to disband the law.
Raja Petra's arrest triggered widespread protests by civil society groups, lawyers and other online commentators.
Some of Malaysia's most popular blogs offer strong anti-government commentaries and present themselves as a substitute for mainstream media, which are controlled by political parties or closely linked to them. The government estimates there are more than 700 Malaysians who blog on social and political issues.
Norman bersedia terima Memey sebagai isteri kedua
KUALA LUMPUR 4 Nov. - Aktor popular, Norman Hakim buat kali pertama mengakui, dia bersedia menerima pelakon muda, Memey Suhaiza sebagai isteri keduanya jika itu yang ditakdirkan oleh Allah.
Biarpun tidak mengesahkan yang dia mempunyai hubungan serius dengan aktres berusia 20 tahun itu, Norman atau nama sebenarnya, Mohamed Norhakim Zaidon, 32, berkata, sebagai umat Islam, dia akur dengan ketentuan qada dan qadar.
”Ketika ini, dalam hati, rasa kasih dan sayang pada isteri saya, Abby begitu menebal. Setiap hari, saya berdoa pada Allah biarlah maut yang memisahkan kami berdua. Saya tidak mahu berpisah dengan Abby melalui perceraian.
”Namun, pada masa yang sama, saya tidak mampu menolak ketentuan andai saya dan Memey bertemu jodoh satu hari nanti,” katanya ketika dihubungi wartawan Utusan Malaysia, SAHARUDIN MUSTHAFA di sini hari ini.
Norman berkata demikian sebagai mengulas dakwaan kononnya dia dan Memey sudah merancang untuk berkahwin.
Bagaimanapun, rancangan tersebut dikatakan terpaksa ditunda berikutan dia dan Memey ditangkap berkhalwat di sebuah premis perniagaan di Ukay Perdana, Hulu Kelang, Selangor pada 30 Oktober lalu.
Sehubungan itu, pelakon utama drama bersiri Gerak Khas itu berkata, jauh di sudut hatinya, dia berkongsi rasa kasih dan sayang dengan banyak pihak.
”Ada ‘wilayah’ dalam hati yang saya bahagikan pada Allah, pada ibu dan ayah, pada isteri saya, anak-anak dan untuk orang lain juga.
”Bila saya fikirkan masalah yang sedang saya hadapi ketika ini, adalah lebih baik saya berterus-terang berhubung perasaan yang sedang saya alami ketika ini,” jelas Norman yang berkali-kali menyatakan harapannya agar Abby memahami kedudukannya ketika ini.
Menurut Norman, dia tidak mampu untuk menghalang Abby meluahkan emosinya seperti yang berlaku di lokasi penggambaran Gerak Khas semalam.
”Saya mahu mencari penyelesaian terbaik dalam hal rumah tangga saya dengan Abby. Saya cuba memahami keadaannya ketika ini.
”Saya juga menyedari yang Abby seorang ibu yang baik buat anak-anak kami. Saya sangat menyayangi dia.
”Tetapi, kalau sudah tertulis takdir lain, apa daya saya sebagai manusia untuk menolaknya,” ujar Norman lagi.
Ditanya kenapa dia beria-ia mempertahankan Memey dalam kenyataannya semalam, menurut Norman, Memey merupakan ‘penyelamat’ kepada keadaan yang dialaminya ketika ini.
”Abby hadir dalam hidup saya sebagai pembakar semangat. Memey pula hadir sebagai penyelamat dalam kehidupan saya.
”Saya perlu mempertahankan Memey kerana dia juga ada keluarga yang terpaksa melalui episod ini.
”Seperti yang saya kata, ada banyak hati yang perlu saya jaga. Jadi, saya harap Abby benar-benar memahami keadaan saya ketika ini. Saya tahu saya dan dia (Abby) masih ada masa depan demi anak-anak kami,” kata Norman yang berhasrat untuk merujuk kepada pihak yang arif yang boleh menyelesaikan masalah rumah tangga mereka.
Pada masa sama, Norman berkata, dia akan memohon petunjuk daripada Allah dengan solat sunat istikarah.